Enhance Memory and Learning by Unraveling the Sensory Puzzle: T1I S1 E5
Cheri Dotterer: cerebellum
controls a lot of things and
some of the new research is it's
directly related to learning and
Jonily : Hello, everyone.
Welcome to tier one intervention
podcast, talking about
strengthening the tier one for
classroom with academic and non
academic interventions,
strategies and techniques to
meet the needs of all students
regardless of ability or
disability. I am Jonily
Zupancic, and I am here with my
partner in education partner in
crime. CHERI Dotterer. I teach
lessons. When I give quizzes,
when I come back to content, why
do students have so much trouble
retrieving the information and
recalling the information after
I've taught it? So Sherry is
going to enlighten us today on
everything that's happening?
That affects memory and
retention of content.
Cheri Dotterer: Good morning,
everybody. It's cheri Dotterer,
your classroom coach and lesson
plan whisperer, what's happening
inside your brain? What is
Jonily : I've heard you talk
about this a lot. But I'm gonna
say the first thing that came to
my mind was feelings. And I know
you talk about this difference
between feelings and emotion.
But there's some times I think
of this word stimulus, when I
think sensation, and how that
makes me feel emotionally,
mentally, physically.
Cheri Dotterer: Yes, we are a
three part being we have a mind
we have a body and we have a
spirit. And sensation is a
stimulus sensation is that
touch. It's that what's going
into the fovea of the eye. It's
that sound that you hear. It's
that taste, or that smell. All
of those things, that initial
contact, is that initial
sensation. And that initial
sensation can be calming or
alarming. When it's alarming.
You're never going to get
anything beyond what what I call
the amygdala hijack. Actually, I
don't call that somebody else
coined that phrase. That phrase
was coined by Daniel, Dr. Daniel
Amon, he is a radiologist, and
psychiatrist, what a
combination. But he does some
amazing things with radiology
and how and he's done some
research into what happens in
the brain with different
diagnoses. And he's done some
extensive research, and how the
brain lights up with normal
people, and atypical people. And
matter of fact, he has done
80,000 quarterbacks. And he has
researched post concussion, how
every concussion changes their
brain. So he has a big series on
what happens after concussion.
So he's very intriguing to me.
He wrote a book called Healing
ADHD, and that is absolutely one
of my favorite books, to really
delve into ADHD, change your
brain change your life was
another one of his books. And it
really talks about your health
and he and his wife have an
actual health system her her
name's Tana, make sure that we
share some of that stuff in the
show notes so that you can reach
out to him if that interests
you. We mentioned the five
sensations we mentioned, smell,
taste, hearing, vision and
touch. And so those are the
little icons, I have to
represent those different
sensations. The thing of it is
we have three more. Inside. You
also have the ability to have
sensation. These words are
proprioception, vestibular, and
interoception. Today, I'm going
to delve a little bit into the
proprioception, and other
podcast episodes, you'll get to
hear me talk a little bit more
about vestibular and
interoception. So what I use the
spring for is the proprioception
because proprioception is
reminds me Have a spring, it's
the spring, that's helping the
joint know how far to bounce
back and forth. I use the
Tumbleweed for vestibular
because that's the one that
makes you go tumble and move.
And then the last one really
does reflect those feelings that
you mentioned earlier Jonily,
and where it's where the, our
inner, that inner soul connects
with our body. And so it emotion
and feelings, and all of the
internal organs are responding
to interoception. And let's
really dig into the impact of
the olfactory system on you in
the classroom, the olfactory
system, your nose, think about
the anatomy around your head,
right now, where does that sense
go, it goes straight right into
the middle of the brain, into
the Olympic system. So your
brain is basically separated
into three parts, it has the
brainstem, and that's the back
of the neck, which goes up to
the center of the brain, which
is the limbic system. And then
we have the outer layer, which
is the cortex, that's where all
the thinking occurs, and all the
comparisons to our world. So
that DRAM is really that
rudimentary level, it is
controlling things like how fast
you breathe, what's going on
with your heart rate, turns on
and off digestion, when we go up
to the Olympic system takes
those sensations that we feel
from looking at our eyes, our
mouth, and all those other
areas, and filters them. The
thing that's different with
sensation of smell, is it goes
directly into the Olympic
system, it bypasses the
brainstem. And it doesn't go
into the cortex directly. It
only goes to that association
cortex in the frontal lobe,
which I'm getting a little
technical on you. But I want to
say this, because the olfactory
system is the one that you're
going to get a non thinking
response out of, okay, I'm gonna
get a little crass, maybe here.
So you have one of those kids in
your classroom that passes one
of those very loud gas bubbles,
the one that all the other kids
are going, although that initial
response of Ooh, that really did
stink, that is all subconscious,
which is where the Olympic
system is, that's your
subconscious brain. And all
those responses that you cannot
control are going right into
that limbic system. So that is
the only sensation that goes
directly into the Olympic system
that you have no other filtering
control, it is raw, think about
the classroom. Do you defuse
essential oils? Or do you defuse
something that you can get off
the shelf at the grocery store
like a glade? It may not be good
for all kids was the eighth
grade math classroom? How about
that John Lee it was the math
classroom. Anyway, the maths
teacher had glade push, push ups
in her plugs all over the room.
I think I found three of them.
But when I opened her door for
the first time that morning, I
got blasted with an overwhelming
smell that I could not tolerate.
I started tearing, I started
sneezing. And I'm going oh, this
is not going to work today. And
then I realized what she had
done. So I just gently pulled
out way through the room pulled
out all of them and left them
sit on the floor or at some
place next to where the outlet
was. And I left a message for
her. When I let at the end of
the day saying hey, I pulled
them out. This is why I'm
allergic to them. So I want you
to think about those smells that
are going on in your classroom
that you may be on suffering as
a calm for some may not be a
calm for others. What are your
thoughts on that? Did you ever
have any experiences where what
you thought was calming, was not
Jonily : No, for me smell
definitely affects my thinking.
Just a side note here, I grew up
in households with cigarette
smoking. And I remember the
smell, just when I would leave
the house the smell on my
clothes, it was something that
was overwhelming. And then when
I moved out to go into a place
now where that smell is, and
just it brings back that
sensation that I had felt
previous. And I never thought
about that before sharing when
you were talking, but that was
one smell that I think really
affected my mind to be honest.
Cheri Dotterer: it will it's
going to block. That filtering
system from working effectively
sensation that I'm going to talk
a little bit about here is
taste. We have a couple
different things that happen
with taste, we have the taste
buds on our tongue, that are
going to share the different
flavors, the bitter, the sweet,
the salty, but we also have
saliva that's getting put in our
mouth, we have that ability to
chew straight up and down. Or if
we have the more advanced to
where we're chewing with our jaw
at the bottom, going around in a
circle, that stimulation from
chewing can enhance attention.
Sometimes all you need is a cold
drink to stimulate attention. So
thinking about those kids that
are not paying attention in
class, that ability to have
water with a straw that's going
to allow them to suck the water
up into their mouth, rather than
a sports bottle without the
funny lid but just like a
regular drink, this couldn't
give a different effect on their
attention. With when you have to
pucker your lips, you're going
to get a stimulus that's getting
shot through the brain. And it's
going to increase attention.
Jonily : I've always heard and
been told that. And I know for
me now that I'm reflecting on
this chewing gum, oftentimes
will help me get into a really
focused state when I'm doing my
work. And then oftentimes I will
I know this is going to sound
weird, but chew ice, which helps
me think and is there anything
to a taste of a minty flavor
that stimulates that brain? So
talk to us about that Sherry,
because I know a lot of times in
schools when we are doing
testing, we might give the kids
mints. I know gum is a hot
topic, we really don't want kids
to have gum, but for me and my
work. And when I'm working on
projects, or presentations or
lesson planning, I know that
chewing really helps me maintain
a good focus or is that just in
my head?
Cheri Dotterer: No, it's no it's
not meant has a dual effect.
Mint goes down into your GI
tract. And it helps calm
digestion. All of our
neurotransmitters are made in
our gut. And they are sent to
our brain. So if you're calming
all of those anxiety related
feelings that happened in your
gut, you're going to have a
better connection to the
neurotransmitters that need to
go back up to your brain. The
taste goes a little bit through
the brainstem. It goes up into
the Olympic system as a filter.
But there's also this thing in
the back of the head called the
cerebellum. That's where we
control and we smooth out
movement. If you didn't have
that cerebellum, when you go to
pick up a glass of water, your
will be shaking all over the
place. And when we have students
or adults or whatever the have
that jerky movement, that's one
of the places that a neurologist
will look for a mishap that
might be happening in the brain.
And the cerebellum controls a
lot of things and some of the
new research is it's directly
related to learning and memory.
It's directly related to
learning and memory with
cerebellum isn't working, the
cerebellum is going to mess up
the connections beyond that
point with access to learning.
So the that system is very
important. So, ice chewing.
Mints are all good to help
stimulate thinking and attention
in your students. So be careful
of temperature because sometimes
temperature isn't always needing
to be cold. To stimulate
attention, sometimes you just
need the actual water. So don't
worry so much about the
temperature. However, they do
know that cold will stimulate
more. So if you have a kid who's
overstimulated, you might want
to give them some warm water,
your tongue is moving, your jaw
is moving. So it has to go to
the motor cortex, and the
association cortex to make
associations what to say,
there's also a part of the
temporal lobe, which is on the
side of the brain next to the
ears. And there's two areas in
there one's called the Broca's
area one calls the warning keys
area, one of those areas helps
with receptive speech, the other
one helps with expressive
speech. So there is a spot where
it's going to actually form the
words and make associations to
the language. It's a little
complex, wouldn't you say?
Jonily : It's very common.
Honestly, Sherry, the amount of
information that our kids
actually do retain, should be
celebrated, because there's so
much that's going on for
learning to happen. And I just
trinette has a great point to
your point, Sherry, I'm just
going to reiterate it because I
think this is an important
statement to make, which is the
straw in using a straw to drink.
The sucking trinette says the
second is a calming mechanism,
which shear you've already
mentioned that, but I think it's
important enough to say that,
again, just little things that
we can think about. Especially I
know, we're talking about tier
one and the full classroom, but
especially for pulling students
one on one or in small group and
working through maybe an
intervention cycle in a smaller
group rather, rather than the
whole class. I think these are
really some key interventions
that we can use with kids to
help their sensation, and in the
end will improve memory will
improve their emotional
attachment to the situation, it
will improve their focus, and
then long term, it's going to
improve the retention of the
content that we're trying to get
them to master.
Cheri Dotterer: Right now you
are getting the beginning part
of a two and a half hour
workshop, we are offering you as
a podcast listener, a discount
for your first month. So for a
mere $17, you can join us engage
in one of the workshops. If it's
not for you, fine, we understand
that. But if you're finding that
this material is engaging and
enriching your lesson planning,
if you are an OT, and it's
enriching your practice, in
connection with your students,
join us for a couple of months
and at every month after your
initial month will be $97. Or
you can join annually. But I
wanted to take this break right
here and do that. Because I
really think it's important that
you understand that John Lee is
going to start going into a much
deeper impact, and much deeper
into making rectangles and how
it relates academically, but
there's always those underlying
connections to what's happening
non academically. And that's
where I will interject thoughts
and comments. Our next one is
auditory. While we hear that
vision, hearing and kinesthesia
are the three types of learning.
Why is hearing so important?
What that is actually one of the
first sensations that we really
encounter when we're born. The
first thing that happens is we
yell and can we hear ourselves
yell? Can we hear our mother
respond to that yell? And we
make those nonverbal
communications with the crying
but some kids really have
trouble. There is a lot of
research and this is why a lot
of kids have tubes in their
ears. is there's a lot of
connections between central
auditory processing disorder,
and difficulty with hearing. I
know my hearing isn't a result
of ear infections and stuff and
reason I never had tubes put in
my ears. However, my hearing is
a result of being in marching
band in the percussion section
and being the cymbal player and
having that sound constantly in
front of me and that that
vibration that hits you in the
air can affect your eardrum and
also your hearing. So the
intensity of sound will also
impact my uncle and my father.
Were both in submarines. My
uncle was in the engine room.
His hearing, he's just about
deaf at this point in his life,
my dad has better hearing
because he was at a different
part on the submarine. But they
both have central hearing loss
because of the intensity of the
sound around them. That's why
decibel levels are so crucial to
kids learning. I had a student
who Gosh, Mom, mom, this was a
private student that I had, Mom
was asking me to help her out.
And they actually had the
audiologist come in, and then
entire day, and record the
decibel levels throughout the
day, because there was a point
in time in the day where she
would just shut down and go
ballistic. And what they were
trying to figure out if it was
decibel level, or there was
something else going on. So they
had one person doing a
functional behavioral
assessment. And then she was
doing the the decibel levels.
And when the kids had free time,
that point in time where the
kids are all making all the
noise, it was too much for her
to handle. So the teacher had to
strategically ask her to go to a
certain area of the room that
was created like a little
cocoon, that will make it a
little bit soft for her. So when
we had this free time that she
could then bring herself back
into the group, but that sudden
change was too much for her to
handle. So gusta gustatory
auditory is really a factor A
lot of kids with that central
processing, auditory processing
disorder, they cannot hear can't
vowel sounds, they can't hear on
a oh, they can't hear a E I owe
you, they're a little it's a
little easier. But think about
it, if talking about the square
root of something, or you're
talking about parentheses, first
of all, they got to know what
that symbol means they have to
have that connection to the to
what that looks like. But if
they're having trouble
understanding what the word is
that you're even saying, they
got shut down. They're back here
trying to process they lost five
sentences of what you just said.
Next one is vision. And this is
probably the one that I know the
most about. In my book, I talk
about the vision and stuff a
lot. And vision is very
complicated. We have the stuff
coming in through the eye. It
goes back through the retina.
The nervous system, switches
sides for half of the vision.
And then it stays on the same
side for half. It goes back into
this back part of the brain
called the occipital lobe. It
also has some touch in the
cerebellum and is creates a
digital file. You know how we
have 10s frames and 12 frames
and eight frames. The occipital
lobe actually makes it look like
a binary code. We get
12121212123 subtle change in
color. I have the green on
today. But how many shades of
green do I have on each one of
those greens is different file
of binary code in the occipital
lobe. That is sent to the
parietal lobe which is the green
part. So the occipital lobe was
the pink part. The prior lobe is
where we interpret and I have
the same thing in this hand.
It's imaginary right now I know
that it's round. It has a stem.
It has a leaf. Sometimes it's
green, sometimes it's red. Oh it
has this thing on the bottom. It
flushing on the inside. What is
it? it, we have the other side
of the the opposite parietal
lobe, which is saying, oh,
that's an apple, it begins with
a, it has two pieces of nail in
the knee. So we have this logic
thing going on, we have this
creative thing going on, those
two sides of the parietal lobes
have to connect together, that
information goes to the
association cortex in the
frontal lobe, I've been keep
talking about it, that's that
blue part. Remember, we have 3
trillion, 3 trillion nerves in
our, in our brain, when you have
a sensation, when you have
something that like you're
seeing, or touching, or
whatever, you can
instantaneously tell that it
happened. The last of the
sensors that we talked about all
the time is Touch. Touch is even
more complex than vision. With
touch, we have, like touched
heavy touch, we have pain, we
have temperature, like hot and
cold, all of those different
areas has nerve. So when
somebody is touching your hand,
when you touch your own hand, is
it hot? Is it cold? Is it good,
bad touch? Is it too forceful?
Is it just right?
All of that all of those
messages go up through the
brainstem and back through that
limbic system through the
cerebellum. In, they do go into
the parietal lobe a little bit,
because they're trying to make
those associations to what
you're seeing. And up in the
motor cortex and the association
cortex. And I'm stopping at that
point. Because once that hits
the association cortex, and
that's that last stop where
everything gets assimilated
together. So we have something
happen, we have a smell that
goes with it, there might be a
taste that goes with it. Think
about ice cream, you've got a
smell, you've got a taste, you
might be touching the cone, you
might be touching the ice cream
itself, you are using a spoon to
put that in your mouth, you have
the metal, you have all of those
sensations. And when it goes to
that association cortex, it
goes, Oh, I'm just eating ice
cream, that's okay. Or, oh, no,
she's putting up a fraction. Oh,
I don't know what I'm doing
here. And it sees and it makes
those reactions to that. And it
sends messages through that,
which is going to shut down or
stimulate your thinking all this
stuff is happening. Before
education can happen. And it's
that your sensation system and
your motor system, start growing
the moment you're conceived. Any
thoughts so far on the five
Jonily : from what I've heard
and connect making those
connections to my work as
classroom teacher math
specialist, the two sensations
that I have really deliberately
and intentionally trained
myself, to support students to
give them the positive
sensations that they need for
learning to occur are the vision
and the hearing. And I'm going
to talk about those today in our
extended session. But just to
recap, the smell is going to
affect or even negate any poor
instructional practices that I'm
using. So just keeping in mind
and being aware of the smell,
and the feel, and some of those
other senses, subconsciously,
are going to affect access to
learning and vision and hearing.
I think one of the techniques
and techniques that are going to
improve memory and retention of
content is with hearing, I will
use the strategy. All right,
kiddos, I'm going to tell you
something, I don't want you to
think about it. But then I'm
going to tell you again in a
different way. And then I'm
gonna tell you again yet in a
different way, preparing kids
for what they're about to hear.
And I will very intentionally
tell them the same thing three
different times with pauses in
between and allowing them to
process what I'm saying and As I
say it verbally in different
ways, it will give different
students access to the learning.
In addition to telling them what
I'm going to tell them, and then
telling them very deliberately
and intentionally in multiple
ways, I want to parallel that
with a visual. And that is the
big topic for today. Sherry, we
had talked about a picture is
worth 1000 words, my work in
mathematics, and studying why
the number there are, I would
say about 60 to 70% of our kids,
that struggle innately with
mathematics is oftentimes
because the words the language
will get in the way that
hearing. But oftentimes, the
symbols and the notations and
the number are so abstract, that
if I can associate a picture, a
context or an experience with
that notation, I'm going to
enhance the understanding of
this mathematical language that
we have. Not only is the brain
and the body, very complex, but
the mathematics is a very
complex subject to understand
back to that phrase, a picture's
worth 1000 words, anyone have
thoughts on what that phrase
what that quote means? And what
that has to do with learning and
memory and retention of content.
Unknown: thing I feel like is
when you associate hearing and
vision together with your
picture's worth 1000 words, for
any friends that have any visual
deficits, if you can pair that,
with the auditory with the
tactile with the smells, all
that kind of stuff, you then can
help fill in those gaps of when
they do have those visual
deficits, that they're not able
to put that connection together,
you're helping build that
Jonily : Great point and the
pure definition of multisensory
once. That wraps up our time
today. And I just have a couple
of final thoughts. We started
today with this question, why
don't kids remember. And Sherry
walked us through the complexity
of the brain, the body and the
spirit, and how all of those
things interact together to
produce access to learning. I'm
hoping that through, you've seen
ways that we can connect the
medical brain based cognitive
science, occupational therapy
world to what is natural in
learning and have a place in our
math classrooms. So that numbers
come alive. So thanks, everybody
for being here. This was session
three, tier one interventions.
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