How to Remedy a Struggling Math Student in the Classroom: T1I S1 E8
Unknown: Hello, and welcome to
the tier one interventions
podcast, where we share with you
tips, techniques and strategies
to strengthen your for the poor
classroom that is, without a
poor classroom, we cannot
thrive, learn how to create an
inclusive climate and culture
and environment in the regular
tier one core classroom through
collaboration of the regular
classroom teacher, intervention
specialists, instructional
coach, occupational therapist
and other direct service
providers. Through this
collaboration, we can blend our
expertise to maximize learning
for all students, and
specifically students with
learning disabilities. Through
this, we can also eliminate the
number of students needing tier
two and tier three pullout
intervention to ground this in
what our purpose here is. And
that is really the title of the
podcast and the course and the
coaching, which is tier one
interventions. And what we're
talking about here is
transforming and transcending
the regular classroom so that
kids get what they need in the
regular general core classroom,
so that we don't have to take
away recess, why can't I
create a structure a climate and
a culture? And for me, I'm a
secondary math teacher, regular
classroom teacher by trade.
Why can't we and I have, I've
done a lot of the
transformation. And I still have
a lot of work to do myself
through these techniques. But we
should strengthen our core. And
what that means is make these
adaptations in our classrooms.
So these kids can thrive in
regular instruction. And they're
able to get their needs met. And
we're able to improve their
overall access to learning by
what we're doing in the regular
classroom. Kids shouldn't have
to be pooled in small groups,
tier two and tier three
interventions to get what they
need. Now, obviously, you have
those outliers, and you have
those critical kids. I'm not
saying that's going to be
eliminated. However, there are
too many kids right now that we
can help regulate. And remedy I
liked the word share use remedy
right in the tier one classroom.
And as we transition to our math
topic, which is the course and
curriculum that this podcast
leads into, as we transition
into our math content, we know
and we've got Krista and Amy,
who are two achievement formula
certified coaches who have been
implementing these transitional
tier one academic adaptations
and interventions, as regular
classroom teachers that have
been a game changer for these
kids in the regular classroom
and the math tasks that we do.
And the structures and the
design and the delivery of the
mathematics, which is different
than a typical traditional math
classroom has allowed these kids
to thrive and achieve higher in
mathematics than they ever have
before. I did have an issue this
week with a student like I like
to with our discussion
throughout the years with you
Jonily. I've been trying to get
the kids movement. And I've
noticed that when I had them
feel the math that they it, it
sticks in their brain better.
And they roll their eyes at me.
They're like, Oh my gosh, are so
annoying. And so part of the
trick is we get to move our arms
and silly but you know why
equals we just do and so some of
the kids are all in some of the
kids don't. So there's one kiddo
who's a little overweight, he's
really grumpy. And he didn't
want to do it. So sometimes I
poke him and sometimes act like
I don't notice that he's
participating or not. But there
was this other girl who didn't
want to do it. And I was like,
calling him I could do that. But
I couldn't do anything. And she
was like, he doesn't have to do
it. And I lost my temper. And
I'm like, goodness gracious. I'm
trying so hard with a boss. I
was like a deep breath.
Use some of these things on me.
They were doing it because
anyway, the point of the story
is later on, her mom called me
and she's hanging with my
daughter said you got upset with
her and I wouldn't explain that
she was actually on the
spectrum. But she didn't want
anybody to know because she's
trying to figure out strategies
for herself so she can fit in.
So then I felt doggy doo,
because I was like I didn't know
I don't think we know better, we
do better. So I didn't beat
myself up too much. But this
discussion today just brought
her for the fourth or front. And
so now I'm looking at and then
this other kid had this big
issue and he's has a 504 with an
ADHD. And so I was looking
online and I saw this graphic I
found that was talking about
autism versus ADHD. And so I'm
just like, looking and listening
to everything. You're teaching
me Sherry, and I gotta get the
tea in there. I gotta help me
figure out this kid because this
kid needs this but this kid
doesn't. So as a classroom
teacher, it's very overwhelming.
Krista, thank you for this. I'm
gonna let you talk about this a
little bit. Let's give a shout
out right now to Peter Peter,
author of building thinking
Krista has the absolute
connection here. This is all the
science behind why those
strategies work, Chris to talk
to us a little bit about your
implementation, your massive
implementation of the strategies
and building thinking classrooms
that have become just
a complete shift and amazing
movement in math education. Talk
to us about that, Krista, I
started using those vertical
nonpermanent thanking spaces for
the movement. But like you said,
this kind of connects that all
into that, why that works and
why that's better for our kids.
So they just they go there. And
they work at their, at the
boards, and they want them to be
standing. But now I'm thinking
like, what if we have souls
there for them to sit, just
trying to work in some more or
what if we lay, we have a
vertical board, but it's down on
the floor. And so they can write
on that? I'm just thinking about
some ways that I can offer some
flexible seating within that
vertical spaces piece of that
building between classrooms. I
don't want us to miss it's a
very subtle and easy thing that
we can do as educators. And it's
one that we question as
educators much of the time when
I do trainings on transforming
tier one math classrooms.
Much of the transformation
includes novelty gaining student
perspective, open endedness. And
the questions that I get a lot
is Yeah, but when do you
actually teach? When do you do
the teaching, when do this what
it's so conflicting with typical
traditional math delivery.
And we're not choosing one over
the other, we're not and this is
why I like to call it
transcendence rather than trans
formation. Transformation really
indicates a change, and we do
want to change, but it almost
implies giving up one thing to
do a new thing. And that's not
what I'm asking us to do. And
I'm going to give you an example
of this in a moment. But
transcendence means creating
that new path. That includes the
old school stuff that still
makes an impact. And the new
learning that we have, that
makes an even better impact and
blending those. Let me give you
an example. We say oh research
said we don't want to change
things up and have too much
novelty. But Daniel Pink in his
book drive says, one of the
motivators one of the major
motivators of human behavior and
motivation of kids in our
is novelty, expecting the
unexpected will stimulate their
interest in doing what we're
doing. But then we think as a
classroom teacher that conflicts
with when we say, oh, no, these
kids that have some of these
learning disabilities and
processing issues and ADHD, they
need routine they need structure
I want you to think about and I
know some of you may not have
been able to see it. But in
Teresa's PowerPoint,
she kept up with a routine and a
structure. Because what I'm
advocating for is we have both,
we have routine and structures
in place. However, she changed
the color of the background of
the PowerPoint. She changed the
ACT every day, there was a
breathing exercise, but the type
of breathing changed. So you
see, we can actually combine
routine and structure with
novelty and unexpected. And we
need both of those two function
to have good executive
functioning skills. We need both
of those, we need the routine.
We need the procedural we need
all of that. We also need this
novelty and this unexpected,
which is exactly what I talked
about. This is the whole point
of making math veneers that we
have to live in both lands in
the tier one classroom have to
give opportunities for
procedural algorithmic
Step by step routine bass
because that's a skill that we
want kids to thrive with. But at
the same time, we want them to
be able to know what to do when
they don't know what to do. We
want them to be able to regulate
in an unexpected situation. We
want them to be able to attend
to and be stimulated and novelty
will do that. And the bread and
butter of these tier one
interventions academically are
exactly what Theresa showed,
what do you see? What do you
notice? Tell me about if we
leave with nothing else,
transitioning from Okay, the
movement, the breathing, we can
get the body ready for the brain
to be cognitive is cognitively
stimulated, the very next step
to enter into an academic lesson
is to stimulate the brain, that
cognition. And the way that I do
that routinely is with my
favorite prompts. What do you
see? What do you notice and tell
me about
the other way that we have
created this new structure for
mathematics is through this tier
one math intervention for
strengthening course and
curriculum. We call this the
adaptive condensed math
If you are on the hunt for new
textbooks, or you're up for
curriculum adoption, I want you
to step back and rethink what
that might look like. Because
tier one math intervention
course, and curriculum, this
adaptive condensed curriculum
for mathematics, give gives you
everything you need to teach all
of your standards, from
preschool through high school in
mathematics, with 12 tasks that
we call reference tasks, these
12 tasks, adapt everything that
Sherry And Teresa present and
teach us. But they also target
all of our math standards,
narrowing it down to these 12
Essentials. I call them the
Dirty Dozen. There are 12
reference tasks that are exactly
the same for every grade level,
preschool through high school.
But the level of complexity
increases as we move through the
grades. And the goal is in our
tier one regular core math
classroom, that kids are exposed
to all 12 of these every year,
throughout the year. So
frequent, often and early.
These are the 12 tasks pizza,
don't they are because I'm going
to tell you how they're being
rolled out through this course.
Pizza problem 120 chart paper
folding, making rectangles quick
dots locker problem, Jessie and
K geoboard, Candy problem, paint
problem staircase and function
These are the only reference
tasks you need to teach all of
your curriculum. And there are
multiple variations of each one.
The result, the remedy be the
reason these are the remedy for
fixing poor math achievement,
and let's face it, math scores
are dismal. They're dismal. And
we're looking for the solution.
We're here to tell you this is
the solution. But it's going to
take rethinking what your tier
one math classroom looks like.
Because these reference tasks
are the remedy to increase
greatly math achievement, like
we've never seen before. That's
truly what transcendence is
getting results based on a new
path that we've paved, that
these results are things we've
never seen before.
This adaptive condensed
curriculum has 12 sessions, one
for each of the reference tasks.
Today, we're going to go in
depth with paper folding from
the introduction through what
each interaction looks like. The
implementation of these tasks
happen like this. In the math
classroom, as a regular
classroom math teacher, I think
of my year in seasons. The first
season of instruction is what we
call first 15 days. And this
happens immediately at the
beginning of the school year.
In August, September when the
school year starts, the first 15
days of math. It
exposes all 12 of these
reference tasks. Now, so that
you're not overwhelmed. Some
schools choose four of these, or
three of them, or eight of them,
just to ease in each year, but
in the first 15 days of school,
you're exposing as many of these
reference tasks as possible, add
an exposure level only. And Kirk
Kirk makes mentioned, please do
not use the touch math
curriculum. See, this is my love
hate relationship with all
curriculums. With all textbooks
with all digital resources, no
matter what you use, I could
name any of them. I could name
bridges, investigations, I could
name go math, big ideas, Glencoe
McGraw Hill, I can name any of
those. They're all the best. And
they're all the worst. See this
is. And this is what I like to
do. I like to dive into all of
these curriculums. And I like to
pull the best pieces from them
and just use that sliver. That's
what Sherry And I's tier one
interventions does. That's why
it's called the adaptive
condensed curriculum, because
it's a combination of everything
that's out there. And the best
pieces of it, backed in
cognitive science and research
based and created by minds on
math for the math curriculum. So
great point, Kirk on this, this
is so important, actually more
important than the math content.
Because through this sensory
delivery, your kids will improve
their number sense, think about
the understanding that kids will
have have the number eight, even
at the high school level,
through the sensory delivery
systems. Now, here's what I'm
going to do, I'm going to go
through each of the color paper
strips, because they're, I
purposefully, do not give kids
the sensories. At first,
remember, in those three paper
folding, I just want kids to
give their perspective
abstractly, I don't want to give
them sensory stuff. And I want
to tell them, this is going to
be difficult, you're not going
to know a lot yet, because I'm
assessing what they already know
about number because some kids
innately automatically know more
about number without any of
these techniques, they actually
know more about number than I
do, I need to know that for
other kids that they're not
going to be able to engage with
to the negative three or eight
or like they're going to be in
fight or flight mode, because
that's what math notation and
symbol does to them. I need to
know that. But I need to assess
that in a very raw abstract form
for just a few interactions,
then I'm ready to move into the
sensory based.
Oh, Janet, I love the angle
breathing. I love it. And you
were asking a little bit about
what angle I think it was that
my thought was, whatever angle
you're going to work on that
day. So if you're working on 30
degree angles, use 30 degree
angles and you're breathing.
You're going to be working on
isometric triangles. Use
isometric triangles as your
breathing source. I've already
do it I always say I'll have the
kids like toward the arms in
those 800 80s Then we go like
this we'll go right up to
suggested to strictly the gets
right. And then when we go on to
supplementary and complementary
angles. Okay, well, junior high
now we want to start working
out. So like, it was nice
muscles. No, I'm gonna
compliment myself. And then I'll
say oh, now I'm really serious
nominee. Yep, take supplements
and I'm gonna get bigger and
bigger and supplement angle. So
I'm just saying I can try to do
it more often like Ajay Singh
angles vertical, just use it as
a breathing but also to keep
seeing it over and over. And
because we did it, and then the
state test got mixed up and I
wanted to beat them all up, but
I want to emphasize something
else. You've got the right angle
here. Yeah. Yeah, if you flip it
upside down, trying to keep that
angle there. Yeah, okay. What
you've just done biomechanically
is you use your entire rotator
cuff. rotator cuff is weak.
Okay, so if you can come up with
some exercise that pounds?
Oh, yeah, you can start working
on there the rotator cuff a
little bit since that's
typically a weak section of the
shoulder. And that will wake up
the proprioception and the
vestibular system. But this is
mathematically important to
let's not skim by this. So not
only does it do the physical,
which we need, but right angles
are not always upright like
this. And that's the other thing
that we create misconceptions is
we want kids doing that to be
like, Okay, now what angle is
this? Oh, gosh. It's still a
right angle. It's still a right
angle, even though it changed
positions. A lot.
At times, kindergarten, first
grade, if we have a square
that's tilted kids, if it's the
same square, I could have a
physical square. And kids are
like, that's a square all
congruent sides. If I'm like,
what is it? Now? It's not a
square. Do you see? It's so
square? It's the same.
I think that is the same
instruction. It's still a right
angle, whether it looks upside
down. This is zombies. And
angle. Yeah.
Do you just have a cute
opposite gobies, if you do this,
where they're coming back here,
I will now that's internal
rotation. And that is probably
the weakest part of the rotator
cuff right to get kids that
I don't know if I can do this.
And that you're going to be able
to hear me. But this is very
much a good exercise. This is
gonna be a good exercise for
your kids, I have to turn around
and do this. Okay, one arm is
going over the top.
The other arm
is coming through the bottom and
the idea is touch you tip your
fingers together. Oh, wow.
Okay, senior citizens get that
tested with them and how far
apart your fingertips are tells
how bad your rotator cuff is.
And it's a prediction of false.
So by doing that internal
rotation and stuff, you've done
a quick exercise that is going
to wake the brain up. It's
vestibular and proprioceptive.
It's interoceptive.
And you just woke the shoulders
up for writing, or math or
whatever, anything that you'd
have put it down on paper. And
you really practiced a weak link
in our physiology.
So everybody found something
beneficial today.
All right.
Then we will see you on May 18.
For this, and our subject is
quick dots. Yes. I'm looking
forward to quick dots and then
moving forward over the summer.
We won't have anything directly.
But what I'm going to do is I'm
going to put something new in
each month, over the summer, so
there will be more material
added. It's just not going to be
live over the summer. Okay. And
then in September, the third
week in September, what's the
date there? Jonily. Can you look
it up? We're quick. The third
week in July, September. You're
going to start these live again
on May 21 $947 to get all of
next year but listening to tier
one interventions with John
Elise us panic and Sherry
daughter. Tier one interventions
is released on the first and
third Tuesday of the month. I'm
Nicholas King, an intern for
cheri Dotterer educational
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