Teaching the 120chart to 6th grade students: T1I S1 E12

Teaching the 120chart to 6th grade students: T1I S1 E12

Cheri Dotterer: Good morning.
Welcome to tier one

interventions with jonily
Zupancic and Cheri dotterer.

Jonily : Hey, jonily Zupancic
here, Jay Z in the house today,

and tier one interventions is
really about strengthening our

core in schools. If you think
about your body, our overall

health really depends on our
core and our core strength in

schools, our core is our tier
one, general classroom, general

ed teacher with intervention
specialist or other support

personnel in the classroom and
inclusive model serving all kids

at the same time. So tier one
interventions is about the

instructional strategies that
are going to enhance and

maximize the learning for all
students, regardless of ability

or disability, tier one needs to
be strong enough to make certain

that all ability levels of
students get their needs met.

And I know this can seem really
overwhelming for the general

classroom teacher, however, tier
one interventions is all about,

what are those techniques? Those
techniques have to do with the

student body, brain and emotion,
and how do we get all three of

those things ready to learn the
content we get this question all

the time. Are your strategies
research based? That's a big

topic. How do I know that this
is going to work? What's it

grounded in? And my answer to
that is absolutely yes.

Everything we're teaching for
this core, general classroom is

research based. Now we have to
define what research based

means, and then I've just given
you all of the examples of it.

Research based is the work that
we do. Is it grounded in the

Mighty Hands of giants that have
come before us? And what that

means is the research and the
work that others have done. How

has that then impacted or
affected the parallels and the

strategies that we teach
research based is about looking

at these influences. I mentioned
one other book, make it stick.

Make It Stick. Make It Stick is
a number of researched

strategies for cognitive
science, and all of the

strategies that Sherry and I are
teaching are supported through

the strategies that at the
university level are taught in

the book make it stick, and in
other places, about how to

trigger and stimulate good, just
right, cognitive demand. 120

chart is mathematical tier one
intervention strategy. Even

though it's the second one we're
talking about, I would say that

it's the most powerful and most
important. What are we trying to

do in the core classroom for
mathematics? The ultimate goal

is to improve student number
sense. Number Sense is the

innate, intuitive understanding
of number number sense cannot be

taught. It can only, only be
learned and experienced. Our

instructional techniques are
absolutely essential when we're

trying to improve a student's
number sense, because I cannot

explicitly teach this. I can
only engage them in repetitive

good the 120 chart connects to
dozens and dozens of standards

from kindergarten through high
school. And what we're going to

share with you today is all of
the standards and targets that

the 120 chart can expose for our
students. The 120 chart is a

chart that has 120 numbers on
it. It's as simple as that we're

going to walk through each of
the interactions that we take

students through with this chart
I'm going to share with you

interaction one, which is just
introducing the 120 chart to our

students. And when I say
interactions, we know that our

strongest math students, that
may even be identified as

gifted, May. Need one or two
interactions with something

before forever learning happens.
They're going to know it

forever. Bright students who are
not gifted, there is a distinct

difference between gifted
students and bright students.

Gifted students love learning,
don't like school. Bright

students love school, don't
necessarily like learning.

They're almost polar opposites.
Bright students oftentimes

appear to achieve higher because
they work harder. They are

teacher pleasers. They want to
do well. Gifted students don't

have a care about any of that.
However, gifted students have

this stronger, innate, intuitive
sense of numbers. How do I know

this? Because for a number of
years I studied my gifted

students, I do not think like
gifted students think in

mathematics. I studied my gift
and gifted students and tried to

extract the way that they
thought about mathematics and

most of the techniques and tasks
that I share with teachers

today, I learned from my gifted
kids, they have a really savvy

sense of number, but bright
students might need five to

seven interactions with the same
thing before they have this

forever learning. Bright
students will give themselves

the their own interactions,
because they tend to work above

and beyond. So they get more
interactions, regardless of

whether those are provided in
the classroom. I'm going to skip

all the way to our struggling
students, maybe students with

learning disabilities or lower
cognitive abilities, or students

that have some kind of brain
disconnect, or students with

ADHD, or any of those students
that struggle in the regular

general classroom, they may need
60 to 100 interactions with the

same thing before they truly
learn it. 66, zero, 60 to 100

sometimes 200 or 300 and this is
where tier one mathematics, the

general classroom, falls short.
The way that we typically teach

mathematics in the general
classroom is we teach one topic

at a time, and all the
repetition is done in a

condensed two or three week
cycle, whereas in the model that

we're presenting to you, we
identify the essential

mathematics that we're going to
do through the 120 chart, and

once we identify the essential
mathematics, those topics are

cycled in every single month. I
call this interaction one

because this is the first
interaction at the beginning of

the school year that kids
experience 120 chart. And then

throughout the school year, 120
chart is brought back up maybe

once a week, once a month, three
times a year, and then every

year after that, if your school
and district really create this

progressive, consistent
approach, the way that we get

more interactions over time for
kids is we focus on the same

task. Today's example is 120
chart, very powerful, and we

allow students to interact with
this task multiple times

throughout the year and every
year from preschool through high

school. So the first thing that
I will do when I introduce 120

chart, and here's a visual of
it, 120 chart, it's 10 numbers

in each row. So we have 12 rows,
120 numbers, and I'll ask

students and prompt them with my
favorite three words, tell me

about the 120 chart. This allows
me to do exactly what I was

talking about before, which is,
gain students perspective. Let

them know they belong. Let them
have an opportunity to process

and think and shift their
cognitive demand naturally to

their just right spot. And then
I will ask students to share.

What do you notice about the 120

Cheri Dotterer: Now, Hey,
everybody, sit back and listen

to the hear me teach segment of
the 120 chart?

Jonily : All right, excellent.
We are grade six, and we are

going to come back to 120 chart.
There are many math discoveries

that can be made from the 120
chart. We have explored this a

number of times, but we're going
to go deep today. Let's first

recall, retrieve. Raise your
hand to tell me what discoveries

can be made with the 120 chart,
what mathematical phenomenon can

be unpacked. Tell. Me about the
120 chart. Start us off. Emma,

oh my gosh, perfect. Yep,
perfect. Lauren, you can find

anything. Do you multiply? The
one that we do most is finding

out if eight, if you want to
multiply the eight. What do we

have? Though, fantastic, yeah,
because I get real cranky about

eight. Real cranky about eight.
And we'll talk about why in just

a moment. What else can you tell
me about our experiences with

120 chart. What else can you
tell me about our experiences

with 120 gonna try, yeah.
Kendall, I

Unknown: was gonna say, I was
gonna say that, if it's not a

number, what number could get
to? Oh, love

Jonily : it so much. Fifth
grade, stay quiet, because we're

doing math here. Sixth grade.
Kendall, you said something

really great. Say it again. Is

Unknown: it not a whole number?
What number would be like? What

would not be a whole number? A
whole number that would get

Jonily : so we have to then, and
that's really the gist of 120 is

skip counting, and then the goal
is to land on 100 but what

Kendall is saying, she said it
really nicely. What if it

doesn't land on 100 then we have
to talk about parts of skip

counts. Now there's a reason I
get cranky about eight what I'm

going to do is I'm going to give
you this chart get cranky about

and the first thing I want you
to do is turn to the back of

this chart and I'm going to tell
you the something I want you to

write on the back of this chart.
Now don't say this out loud, but

on the back of this chart, I
want you to write down the

decimal number for one. Don't
say this out loud, but on the

back of this chart, I want you
to write down the decimal number

for one. Don't say this out
loud, but on the 1/8 on the back

of your chart, I don't want to
know what your neighbor knows on

the back of your chart, I want
you to write down the decimal

number that is equivalent to 1/8
on the back of your chart. You

know, write down the decimal
number not what your neighbor

thinks the decimal number that
is equivalent to 1/8 you know,

write down the decimal number,
not what you're now if you wrote

a decimal that has an eight in
it, that is not correct. And

this is why I get cranky with
eight when we're looking at

fractions, and this is why I get
crazy. Every fraction has a

decimal number and a percent
number that is equivalent. And

1/8 is not 8% and it's not 80%
and it's not 18% it's nothing

with an eight in it. This is
where the 120 chart comes in. So

go to the front of your chart.
Go to the front of your chart.

The denominator of our fraction
tells us exactly what you were

telling me about. It is our skip
counting number. So circle the

numbers that when you skip count
by eight you land on. You should

be really good at this by now,
because we've done this with

eights a lot. So go ahead and
circle the numbers when you skip

count by eights. And here's
another thing, that if you're

doing this at this point, you
are not only glitched, but you

really have huge math deficits.
You are not circling 818, 2838

if you did that, you are way
off. So you're skipped counting

by eight. So that would be
eight, and then what 1624, and

32 good. Go ahead and stop. Just
do those on your own. And we're

trying to answer two questions.
Number one, how many counts? By

eight to land on 100 and we're
going to have to go with what

Kendall said. We're going to
have to go with what Kendall

said, and that is, we might have
parts of a count. The second

question is, do. How much money
is 1/8 of $1 because that's

going to tell us the exact
decimal equivalent. So to back

up, if you need a refresher, to
back up, if we want to refresh

all this, we're on our 120
chart. We're skip counting by

what number eight? So circle the
numbers when you skip count by

eight. So you circle eight and
then 1624, 32 and keep going.

Does eight land on 100 No, so
we're going to have to use

Kendall strategy. We're going to
need part of a number. So what

number does eight land on 96 and
yeah 104 You're right. How many

skip counts by eight lands on
9612 and then 104 is 13. So it's

somewhere between 12 and 13.
Good. 100 is exactly halfway.

Yes, if I say how many skip
counts? Does it take? That is 12

and a half. But how much money
is an eighth of $1 how many

cents? 12.5 cents? But where
does the decimal go? If I want

to show 12 cents. Caleb, $0 and
how much? How do I show 12 cents

to the decimal go if I want to
show 12 cents, Caleb, point

decimal, 12. How much money is
that? 0.12? How much money? 12

cents, and we could put a half,
or what decimal number means a

half? Tell me five. So the
decimal equivalent for 1/8 is

0.125 and that is the exact
number of skip counts that land

on 100 that's the exact number
of skip. Now we've done the 120

chart how

Cheri Dotterer: generally goes
on and teaches for another 15 or

20 minutes or so. If you are
interested in hearing the rest

of that conversation, we
recommend that you join tier one

interventions workshop. That is
a workshop that we host live

once a month with the next
episode will be in September. So

if you're hearing re listening
to this after September of 2024

you will have to go back and
listen to that episode later.

However, we are recording them.
We are putting them in a portal.

You will be able to listen to
the full episodes inside the

course platform. So if you are
interested in learning more

about the hear me teach
segments. We have multiple

versions inside the course, we
look forward to hearing from you

and and hope that these episodes
are helping you understand some

math concepts in a new way. This
has been cheri dotterer from

tier one interventions. Have a
blast of a summer. Thanks. You.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Cheri Dotterer
Cheri Dotterer
Hacking barriers to writing success, dysgraphia No ✏️ Required. 30-sec@time Speaker | Podcast Host | Author | Consultanthttps://t.co/eM1CXSUIoZ